This was the kids first trip to the Dinosaur Park, and I'm sure it won't be their last......they LOVED it.
5 years ago
"You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."-Dr.Seuss
This was the kids first trip to the Dinosaur Park, and I'm sure it won't be their last......they LOVED it.
Posted by Kimberly Lee at 7:46 PM
Oh they look so cute!!!
We too LOVE that place, it is fabulous! My kids are dying to go back.
Tear* I'm glad you had fun. Sniff*
Hey we did that too! :) so fun! the kids love it. My fav. part is the inside dinosaurs that move.
looks like fun! the picture with you sitting and smiling on the dead dinosaur is so dang funny:)
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